Author: Hitesh J

Hitesh J

Hitesh Jethva is a senior writer at and He is graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and combines his love of technology with writing. He is an expert in Linux, Security, DevOps, and Cloud Computing. He is writing Linux-related stuff and reviewing different software products like Firewall, Cloud services, Security, Applications, and more.

He has over 12+ years of experience in Linux, Cyber Security, and Cloud Computing. Prior to working for and, Hitesh wrote Linux and Security blogs for leading websites including, HowtoForge, AlibabaCloud, DigitalOcean, Dzone, Vultr, Linode, and more. His Linux-related blogs and articles helped millions of people to make complicated stuff easier.

Hitesh also got a Most Valuable Person (MVP) award from Alibaba Cloud three times to grow the AlibabaCloud community.

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How to fix the Msftconnecttest redirect error

Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019 are Microsoft’s latest operating system with more secure architecture and performance improvements. However, in the past few years, Microsoft has received queries where many…


What Is Virtual Patching?

Statistically, vulnerabilities in applications lead to successful cyberattacks. Gartner predicted that almost 99 percent of successful cyberattacks will consistently involve vulnerabilities known to corporate executives. Patch management has become a…


MetricFire vs Datadog

When it comes to Application Performance Monitoring (APM) Tools, the two names that you will frequently hear are MetricFire and Datadog. This article discusses what makes these two tools stand…


Dynatrace vs Datadog

Today’s software development is all about speed and quality. You must deploy software faster than your competitors, fail faster, and reinvent yourself more quickly. To achieve speed, Toil must be…


Operations Bridge vs Datadog

Performance Monitoring tools are one of the hot topics today, seeing that myriads of companies across the globe are heavily inclining towards them to monitor their tech stack and derive…


Graphite vs Datadog

Seeking highly efficient business intelligence software plays a vital role in boosting your business productivity and ROI. Datadog and Graphite-both, the software, are pretty popular these days for their impressive…


Prometheus Vs Datadog

If you’re in the IT sector and looking for monitoring tools to analyze your applications, then you must have heard about Prometheus and Datadog. This post will help compare the…