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The Best Log Parsing & Analysis Tools

The Best Log Parsing and Analysis Tools

Scott Pickard UPDATED: March 6, 2024

Manually parsing and analyzing the sometimes unbelievable amount of log data produced across your network is an impossible task. Fortunately, there’s a large variety of tools available that can automate the process. You can use log data in this manner to enhance your administration abilities and perform tasks that are otherwise difficult or rely on more complex solutions. This article explores the nine best tools that you can use to take advantage of the copious amounts of log data produced by your hardware and software.

Here is our list of the best log parsing tools:

  1. Loggly – FREE TRIAL The best solution for application performance monitoring is via log data. This solution is focused on APM integration and aggregation. Start a 30-day free trial.
  2. ManageEngine Log360 – FREE TRIAL A SIEM system that mines logs for activity data and can be used for manual analysis and compliance reporting. Runs on Windows Server. Start a 30-day free trial.
  3. SolarWinds Security Event Manager – FREE TRIAL Another SolarWinds product focused on security utilities by detecting and monitoring potential threats and automating rapid response functions. Start a 30-day free trial.
  4. ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer – FREE TRIAL An enterprise-level log parsing and analysis solution combined hardware and application log monitoring into one unified solution. Start a 30-day free trial.
  5. Papertrail – FREE TRIAL The third and final SolarWinds product on this list. This solution offers a budget alternative while providing the fundamentals of log parsing and analysis. Download 50 MB/month for free.
  6. Datadog Log Management A professional solution built with scalability in mind, providing a massive variety of functional analysis and automation functions. With feasibly unlimited supported data sources and a flexible pricing plan, this solution is worth considering for everyone.
  7. FirstWave opEvents A log management tool targeted towards event automation via log data. While the monitoring tools are comparatively lax, this solution is perfect for automatic log-based remediation.
  8. Graylog An open-source solution that allows you to modularly add functionality and upgrade to a premium version for additional features.
  9. Logz.io A premium product made by aggregating the best parts of several open-source solutions, with a flexible toolset and flexible pricing.
  10. XpoLog The best solution for intelligent filtering and log searching, combined with automatic alerting, means it’s perfect for rapid fault detection in a live environment.

One of the main functions of log data analysis is performance monitoring. You can easily find potential anomalies or otherwise sluggish bottlenecks on your network by exposing the minute details of your running software and hardware. Other functions include automated remediation by using log data to find faults and performing custom tasks faster than a human could.

Log data at its core is simply exposed information, and as a result, there’s an unlimited number of possibilities you can achieve by reading and utilizing the data. This article explores nine solutions that can parse, analyze, manage, and sometimes even use your log data to get the most out of your hardware and software.

The Βest Log Parsing & Analysis Τools

Our methodology for log parsing and analysis tools

We reviewed the log parsing tools market and analyzed the options based on the following criteria:

  • Export options
  • Support for live data tracking
  • Alerting and reporting options
  • Graphical interpretation of data, such as charts and graphs
  • A free trial period, a demo, or a money-back guarantee for no-risk assessment
  • A good price that reflects value for money when compared to the functions offered

1. Loggly – FREE TRIAL

Solarwinds Loggly

Loggly is a log parsing and analysis solution built around APM (Application Performance Management) with many suitable integration sources. The software can aggregate data from a substantial amount of sources and scan log data to scrutinize an impressive array of performance metrics, the combination of which means Loggly is perfect for your performance analysis needs.

Key Features

  • APM integrated log analysis: Loggly seamlessly integrates with APM, enhancing its ability to analyze log data in the context of application performance.
  • Customizable dashboard: Users can tailor the dashboard to display metrics relevant to their performance analysis needs.
  • Scalable full-stack log management: Loggly efficiently handles logs from various sources, ensuring comprehensive log management.
  • Automated log summaries: The platform offers automated summaries of log data, facilitating quick insights into system performance.
  • Built-in email alerting: Loggly provides built-in email alerts, enabling proactive monitoring of performance issues.

Why do we recommend it?

Loggly is highly recommended for businesses seeking a robust log parsing and analysis solution with a focus on Application Performance Management (APM). Our recommendation stems from Loggly's exceptional ability to seamlessly integrate with a multitude of sources and its capacity to aggregate data for comprehensive performance analysis. Through thorough testing, we have found Loggly to be particularly adept at addressing the intricate needs of performance analysis, offering a reliable solution built on our own experiences. With its customizable dashboard and scalable full-stack log management, Loggly stands out as a dependable choice for organizations prioritizing performance monitoring and analysis.

The provided charts and systems overview means you can compare performance data quickly while the data sources run live on your systems. Thus, this solution is perfect for your performance-focused log analysis. Still, it lacks any automation available in other solutions (like SolarWinds Security Event Manager, listed further down on this list). However, in terms of specific performance analysis, it is unbeaten by any other product on this list.

Loggly integrates with various data sources, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Amazon Cloudwatch, Python, Ruby, Unity 3D, and more.

The log management and analytics solution can be purchased as a SolarWinds APM Integrated Experience component starting at $79 per month. If you’re dedicated to APM, you may also consider including some other components into your purchase, such as the Real User monitoring or Infrastructure monitoring functions that seamlessly integrate with the Loggly component.

Who is it recommended for?

Loggly is ideally recommended for businesses across various industries that prioritize performance-focused log analysis. Its customizable dashboard and scalable full-stack log management make it particularly suitable for organizations seeking comprehensive performance monitoring solutions. Additionally, Loggly's integration with multiple data sources caters to diverse use cases, ranging from small enterprises to large corporations. Whether you're monitoring Windows environments or cloud platforms like Amazon Cloudwatch, Loggly offers the flexibility and functionality to meet your performance analysis needs effectively. With its seamless integration and robust feature set, Loggly is a recommended choice for businesses committed to optimizing performance across their systems and applications.


  • Cloud-based scalability: Loggly's cloud-based architecture ensures scalability without reliance on onsite infrastructure, facilitating seamless scaling of syslogs servers.
  • Easy setup: Users appreciate the straightforward setup process without lengthy onboarding, ensuring swift deployment.
  • Diverse data source integration: Loggly can pull logs from various cloud platforms, including AWS and Docker, ensuring comprehensive data analysis.
  • Immediate data availability: Data is readily available for review and analysis, enabling prompt response to performance issues.
  • Free version with limited retention: Loggly offers a completely free version, albeit with limited retention, allowing users to experience its capabilities without initial financial commitment.


  • Short trial period: Some users express a desire for a longer 30-day trial period to fully assess the platform's capabilities.

You can access a 30-day free trial of all of the available components.

Loggly Start a 30-day FREE Trial

2. ManageEngine Log360 – FREE TRIAL

ManageEngine Log360 ELA

ManageEngine Log360 is a log manager and security monitoring system that runs on-premises. The package includes a central log server and a library of agents. Each endpoint needs an agent installed on it. There are also agents available for cloud platforms, such as AWS and Azure.

Key Features

  • Automated threat hunting: ManageEngine Log360 employs automated threat hunting capabilities to identify and respond to potential security threats proactively.
  • Log consolidation: The platform consolidates log messages from various sources into a common format, simplifying data management and analysis.
  • Manual analysis tools: Users have access to manual analysis tools for in-depth investigation of log data, enabling proactive threat detection.
  • Threat intelligence: ManageEngine Log360 integrates threat intelligence to enhance its ability to detect and mitigate security threats effectively.
  • Compliance reporting: The platform includes compliance reporting features for regulations such as HIPAA, PCI DSS, FISMA, SOX, GDPR, and GLBA, ensuring adherence to industry standards.

Why do we recommend it?

ManageEngine Log360 comes highly recommended for organizations seeking a comprehensive log management and security monitoring system. Our recommendation is based on its robust features, including automated threat hunting, log consolidation, and manual analysis tools. We've tested the product extensively and found it to be particularly effective in addressing security concerns through its threat intelligence capabilities and compliance reporting features. With ManageEngine Log360, organizations can proactively monitor their IT infrastructure, ensuring data integrity and compliance with industry regulations.

The log server receives log messages in a variety of formats. Its first task is to consolidate these records, reorganizing them into a common format. The system then displays logs in a data viewer and also stores them to files. Log messages can be recalled from files and read into a data viewer for manual analysis.

The storage of log records in a meaningful directory structure is a requirement for compliance auditing. The Log360 package includes compliance reporting for HIPAA, PCI DSS, FISMA, SOX, GDPR, and GLBA.

The tool orchestrates with other software packages in order to extract activity data from more than 700 software packages. When the system identifies suspicious activity, it raises an alert, which is displayed in the Log360 dashboard. Alerts can be sent as notifications through service desk systems, including ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus, Jira, and Kayoko.

Who is it recommended for?

ManageEngine Log360 is ideally recommended for organizations with on-premises IT infrastructure seeking a reliable solution for log management and security monitoring. Its versatile nature makes it suitable for a range of users, including Network Operations Centers (NOCs) and Managed Service Providers (MSPs), thanks to its user-friendly dashboard visualizations. Moreover, its ability to integrate multiple threat data streams and monitor cross-platform environments, including Windows, Linux, and Unix systems, caters to diverse use cases. Whether you're concerned about compliance auditing or detecting suspicious activity, ManageEngine Log360 offers the functionality and flexibility to meet your organization's security needs effectively.


  • Great dashboard visualizations: ManageEngine Log360 offers visually appealing dashboard visualizations, making it ideal for Network Operations Centers (NOCs) and Managed Service Providers (MSPs).
  • Integration of threat data streams: The platform can integrate multiple threat data streams, enhancing its ability to detect and respond to security threats effectively.
  • Robust log searching: Users can perform robust searches of logs for both live and historical event analysis, facilitating proactive threat detection.
  • Cross-platform monitoring: ManageEngine Log360 can monitor configuration changes across Windows, Linux, and Unix systems, preventing privilege escalation.
  • Configuration changes monitoring: The platform can monitor configuration changes, providing additional security against privilege escalation.


  • Suite complexity: ManageEngine offers a suite of advanced services and features, which may require time to explore and fully utilize.

The server for ManageEngine Log360 runs on Windows Server. Assess the tool with a 30-day free trial.

ManageEngine Log360 Start a 30-day FREE Trial

3. SolarWinds Security Event Manager – FREE TRIAL

SolarWinds Security Event Manager

Another solution by SolarWinds, this event logging and management solution aggregates security and user-focused log data and normalizes it in a central location. Its primary focus is on security, hence the name, by enhancing your abilities to detect threats. The software also provides automated incident handling to reduce your administration demands and ensure your security vulnerabilities are resolved immediately upon detection.

Key Features

  • Log aggregation and normalization: SEM aggregates and normalizes security and user-focused log data in a central location, facilitating efficient management and analysis.
  • Threat detection through logs: The platform enhances threat detection capabilities by analyzing log data, enabling prompt identification and response to security threats.
  • Automated incident handling: SEM automates incident handling to reduce administration demands and ensure immediate resolution of security vulnerabilities.
  • Customizable dashboard: Users can create personalized environments for log monitoring needs, enhancing manual security oversight and analysis.
  • Compliance reporting: SEM provides compliance reporting features, allowing organizations to streamline compliance demands effectively.

Why do we recommend it?

SolarWinds Security Event Manager (SEM) comes highly recommended for organizations prioritizing security enhancement through efficient event logging and management. Our recommendation stems from SEM's robust features, including log aggregation, threat detection, and automated incident handling. Having extensively tested the software, we can attest to its effectiveness in detecting threats promptly and reducing administration demands through automated incident handling. With SEM, organizations can bolster their security posture and ensure immediate resolution of security vulnerabilities, based on our own experiences.

By using the customizable dashboard, you can build a personalized environment for your log monitoring needs, which is especially crucial for manual security overseeing. In addition, you can create templates and produce in-depth reports to streamline compliance demands.

Who is it recommended for?

SolarWinds Security Event Manager is ideally recommended for enterprises and security professionals seeking a comprehensive Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution. Its focus on security, coupled with features such as log aggregation and threat detection, caters to organizations with stringent security requirements. Moreover, the customizable dashboard allows for personalized log monitoring, making it indispensable for manual security oversight. Whether you're addressing compliance demands or detecting anomalous behavior on the network, SEM offers the functionality and flexibility to meet the needs of security-conscious organizations.


  • Enterprise-focused SIEM: SEM is tailored for enterprise use, offering a wide range of integrations and robust security features.
  • Simple log filtering: Users appreciate the straightforward log filtering process, eliminating the need to learn a custom query language for log analysis.
  • Dozens of templates: SEM includes dozens of templates, enabling administrators to start using the platform with minimal setup or customization efforts.
  • Historical analysis tool: The platform offers a historical analysis tool to identify anomalous behavior and outliers on the network, enhancing threat detection capabilities.


  • Learning curve: SEM is an advanced SIEM product designed for professionals, requiring time and effort to fully grasp and utilize its capabilities.


SolarWinds Security Event Manager starts at around $2,613 and has a 30-day free trial available. In addition, the software can connect and integrate with a substantially large amount of sources, including Windows, Linux, Cisco, Sophos, and more.

SolarWinds Security Event Manager Start a 30-day FREE Trial

4. ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer – FREE TRIAL

ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer

The ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer is a professional solution to enterprise-level log parsing and analysis. The software solution focuses on combining logs for both hardware, such as switches and firewalls, with application logs. This is especially useful for network administrators who manage a substantial quantity of networking devices on the premises.

Key Features

  • In-depth auditing capabilities: EventLog Analyzer provides comprehensive auditing capabilities, enabling thorough analysis of log data for security and compliance purposes.
  • High-speed log processing: The platform offers high-speed log processing, ensuring rapid analysis and response to security incidents.
  • Built-in incident management: EventLog Analyzer includes built-in incident management features, facilitating prompt resolution of security issues.
  • Wide variety of log sources: Users can leverage a wide variety of log sources, including hardware and application logs, for comprehensive analysis.
  • Custom data sources: EventLog Analyzer supports custom data sources, allowing organizations to integrate additional logs for tailored analysis.

Why do we recommend it?

ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer is a highly recommended solution for enterprise-level log parsing and analysis. Our recommendation is based on its professional-grade features, including in-depth auditing capabilities, high-speed log processing, and built-in incident management. Through extensive testing, we've found EventLog Analyzer to be particularly beneficial for network administrators managing a substantial quantity of networking devices. Its focus on combining logs from hardware and application sources makes it indispensable for organizations seeking comprehensive log analysis solutions, based on our own experiences.

Their flexible purchase options and scalable features mean the solution is perfect for a variety of business sizes. The software can use an inbuilt ticket-raising system that integrates with a small selection of helpdesk solutions but otherwise doesn’t have much capability in terms of automation. The focus on the software is mostly monitoring and analysis, with impressive auditing and compliance reporting included.

Who is it recommended for?

ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer is ideally recommended for businesses of varying sizes seeking a scalable log management and analysis solution. Its flexible purchase options and scalable features cater to the diverse needs of small, medium, and large enterprises. The software's focus on monitoring and analysis, coupled with impressive auditing and compliance reporting capabilities, makes it suitable for organizations prioritizing security and compliance. Whether you're a network administrator overseeing numerous networking devices or an IT professional responsible for log analysis, EventLog Analyzer offers the functionality and scalability to meet your organization's requirements effectively.


  • Customizable dashboards: The platform offers customizable dashboards that work exceptionally well for Network Operation Centers (NOCs), providing at-a-glance insights into log data.
  • Multiple alert channels: EventLog Analyzer supports multiple alert channels, ensuring teams are promptly notified via SMS, email, or app integration.
  • Anomaly detection: Users benefit from anomaly detection capabilities, assisting technicians in identifying and addressing irregularities in log data.
  • Files integrity monitoring: The platform supports files integrity monitoring, serving as an early warning system for ransomware, data theft, and permission access issues.
  • Forensic log audit features: EventLog Analyzer enables administrators to create reports for legal cases or investigations, enhancing forensic log audit capabilities.


  • Learning curve: EventLog Analyzer is a detailed platform that may require time and experience to fully utilize its capabilities. However, its user-friendly interface mitigates the learning curve to some extent.

EventLog Analyzer comes in free versions that can be broadly categorized into their suitability for small, medium, and large businesses. The Free edition lasts forever and supports up to 5 log sources, which is perfect for small businesses, or if you simply want to trial the software in a test environment.

The Premium edition costs $595 per year and supports up to 10,000 log sources, perfect for medium-large businesses. Finally, the Distributed edition is the enterprise version that supports an unlimited number of data sources over multiple geographical locations and costs $2495 per year. You can register for a 30-day free trial.

ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer Start a 30-day FREE Trial

5. Papertrail – FREE TRIAL

SolarWinds Papertrail

A third and final solution provided by SolarWinds, Papertrail, is a budget alternative to both Security Event Manager and Loggly. While it has fewer capabilities than other SolarWinds solutions, the software has a completely free version and still functions very well for its purposes. The interface is comparatively straightforward but still has the professional layout associated with SolarWinds products.

Key Features

  • Free, with premium upgrades available: Papertrail offers a free version with premium upgrades available, providing flexibility to users based on their requirements and budget.
  • Small installation: The application features a small installation footprint, ensuring minimal resource consumption and ease of deployment.
  • Log searching and filtering: Users can efficiently search and filter logs, facilitating quick access to relevant information for troubleshooting and analysis.
  • Trend detection: Papertrail provides trend detection capabilities, allowing users to identify patterns and anomalies in log data for performance monitoring.
  • Team features: The software includes features for collaboration among team members, enhancing efficiency in log management and analysis.

Why do we recommend it?

Papertrail is recommended as a budget-friendly alternative for log management, offering a completely free version with premium upgrades available. Our recommendation is based on its user-friendly interface and efficient log management capabilities. While it may have fewer features compared to other SolarWinds solutions, Papertrail still functions effectively for its intended purposes. We've found the software to be particularly suitable for organizations seeking a straightforward yet professional log management solution, especially if budget constraints are a concern.

The application can aggregate and filter logs, with trend analysis and alert detection available to aid performance monitoring. This solution is perfect if you need a budget solution or are interested in Soldwinds log analyzer solutions like Loggly but don’t need any additional features included in the more premium offerings.

Who is it recommended for?

Papertrail is ideally recommended for organizations seeking a cost-effective log management solution without compromising on functionality. Its free version, coupled with premium upgrades, caters to businesses of all sizes, making it accessible to small startups and large enterprises alike. The software's intuitive interface and professional layout, characteristic of SolarWinds products, make it suitable for users with varying levels of technical expertise. Whether you're a small business looking to scale log collection or an enterprise interested in SolarWinds log analyzer solutions, Papertrail offers the flexibility and affordability to meet your log management needs effectively.


  • Cloud-hosted service: Papertrail's cloud-hosted service enables seamless scalability of log collection without the need for investing in new infrastructure.
  • Data encryption: The platform encrypts data both in transit and at rest, ensuring the security and confidentiality of log information.
  • Automated backup and archiving: Backup and archiving are automatically handled as part of the service, simplifying data management and ensuring data integrity.
  • Signature-based and anomaly detection: Papertrail employs both signature-based and anomaly detection techniques for thorough monitoring of log data, enhancing security and threat detection capabilities.
  • Free version available: Papertrail offers a free version, making it accessible to users with limited budgets or those looking to trial the software before upgrading.


  • Learning curve: Users may need to invest time to fully explore all features and options available in Papertrail, although its intuitive interface helps mitigate the learning curve to some extent.

The software can be downloaded and installed for free from the SolarWinds website. The solution is free for up to 50MB of aggregate data per month. You can upgrade the quantity of handled data as a premium feature, with offerings in increments of 1GB to 25GB and custom plans available for more.

Papertrail Download 50 MB/month Free!

6. Datadog Log Management

Datadog Log Management

Datadog Log Management unifies a vast array of log data into a singular central software solution. By providing you with accurate insights into your logs, viewed from the main control panel. For example, the log patterns function detects trends in your data to determine potential anomalies and assist long-term performance improvements. At the same time, the visual summaries on a customizable dashboard provide proper data monitoring.

Key Features

  • Large-scale log processing: Datadog Log Management can process millions of log data sources per minute, ensuring efficient handling of large-scale log data.
  • Central monitoring dashboard: The software provides a centralized monitoring dashboard for easy access to log data insights and visual summaries.
  • Pattern detection for troubleshooting: Log patterns function detects trends and potential anomalies in log data, facilitating efficient troubleshooting and performance improvements.
  • Unlimited supported data sources: Datadog Log Management supports unlimited data sources, ensuring comprehensive log data analysis.
  • Archive and compress log data: The platform offers archiving and compression features for efficient storage and retrieval of log data.

Why do we recommend it?

Datadog Log Management comes highly recommended for organizations seeking a unified solution for log data parsing and analysis. Our recommendation is based on its ability to provide accurate insights into log data, viewed from a centralized control panel. The software's log patterns function detects trends and potential anomalies, facilitating long-term performance improvements. Moreover, the customizable dashboard offers visual summaries for efficient data monitoring. We've found Datadog Log Management to be particularly beneficial for organizations looking to improve troubleshooting and scalability capabilities, based on our own experiences.

This solution goes above and beyond to assist in the parsing and analyzing log data with an impressively smooth and professional interface. The software is designed with scalability in mind, and boasts to process millions of log data sources per minute. Suppose you’re looking to implement a log parsing and analysis tool into your network to improve your overall troubleshooting and expansion capabilities. In that case, you cannot go wrong with this option.

Who is it recommended for?

Datadog Log Management is ideally recommended for organizations of all sizes seeking a scalable and efficient log management solution. Its lightweight cloud-based nature makes it suitable for small startups and large enterprises alike. The software's AI-powered alerts help mitigate false alarms and alert fatigue, making it indispensable for efficient incident response. Whether you're a network administrator or an IT professional looking to improve troubleshooting and expansion capabilities, Datadog Log Management offers the functionality and scalability to meet your organization's needs effectively.


  • Lightweight cloud-based tool: Datadog Log Management is a lightweight cloud-based tool, offering easy deployment and scalability without additional infrastructure requirements.
  • 14-day free trial: Users can take advantage of a 14-day free trial to evaluate the software's capabilities before making a commitment.
  • AI-powered alerts: The software utilizes AI-powered alerts to reduce false alarms and alert fatigue, ensuring efficient incident response.
  • Live reports: Live reports provide high-level metrics and quick drill-down capabilities for timely insights into log data.
  • 450+ integrations: Datadog Log Management offers over 450 integrations to fit nearly any network environment, enhancing compatibility and usability.
  • Scalable pricing: Pricing is based on the quantity of data processed, ensuring scalability and cost-effectiveness for organizations of varying sizes.


  • Shorter trial period: While Datadog Log Management offers a 14-day free trial, some users may prefer longer trial periods offered by other event managers.

Datadog Log Management has a free trial that lasts for 14 days. For the complete solution, the costs are based on the quantity of data, starting at $0.10 per GB processed. For archiving and data retention services, you need to pay an extra $1.70 per million log events per month.

The software includes standard processing for 170+ data sources and consists of the tools to customize your processing solutions from raw data. This means the potential list of supported data sources is unlimited if you’re willing to put in the effort for your more niche or bespoke log sources.

7. FirstWave opEvents

FirstWave opEvents

opEvents by FirstWave is another log parsing and analysis tool structured around the ability to automate events and administration tasks. The customizable notifications and basic dashboard make it suitable for monitoring log traffic, while the custom source and automation systems let you remediate using your log data.

Key Features

  • Event automation and remediation: opEvents provides robust event automation and remediation capabilities, enabling efficient handling of log data events.
  • Custom notification settings: Users can customize notifications according to their preferences, ensuring timely alerts for critical events.
  • Central monitoring dashboard: The software offers a central monitoring dashboard for tracking log data events and automation tasks.
  • Custom data sources: opEvents supports custom data sources, allowing organizations to integrate and leverage diverse log data for automation.
  • Data filtering: The platform offers data filtering capabilities, facilitating efficient analysis and processing of log data for automation tasks.

Why do we recommend it?

FirstWave opEvents is recommended for organizations seeking a log parsing and analysis tool focused on event automation and remediation. Our recommendation stems from its robust features, including customizable notifications and event automation capabilities. While it may not excel in centralized log monitoring, opEvents is particularly useful for leveraging log data functionality to automate events and administration tasks efficiently. We've found opEvents to be beneficial for sysadmins and organizations looking to streamline log data management through automation, based on our own experiences.

Overall, the software is very useful for those who want to exploit as much functionality from their log data as possible but isn’t comparatively great for those who wish to analyze or monitor their log data from a central source. The interface is also on the clunkier side and isn’t as streamlined or professional as some of the other premium solutions on this list.

Who is it recommended for?

FirstWave opEvents is ideally recommended for sysadmins and organizations prioritizing event automation and remediation. Its customizable notifications and automation systems make it suitable for monitoring log traffic and remediating issues using log data. While it may not be the best fit for those seeking centralized log monitoring, opEvents caters to users who prioritize leveraging log data functionality for automation and administration tasks. Whether you're looking to automate log remediation or customize notifications, opEvents offers the functionality and flexibility to meet your organization's needs effectively.


  • Heavily focused on automation: opEvents is heavily focused on automation, making it ideal for organizations seeking to automate event handling and administration tasks.
  • Built with sysadmins in mind: The software is designed with sysadmins in mind, offering features and capabilities tailored to their needs and workflows.
  • Ideal for automatic log remediation: opEvents excels in automatic log remediation, enabling organizations to address issues promptly without manual intervention.


  • Complexity with automated features: While opEvents offers powerful automation features, diving into automated workflows may require some learning and adjustment due to its complexity.

opEvents is free to download from their website for up to 20 nodes. They also offer a fully-featured 30-day free trial that can be started from within the software. Licenses for additional nodes can be purchased to extend your capabilities. The software itself only has a Linux version available but can be virtually emulated on Windows if necessary.

8. Graylog


Graylog is available as two standard options: a commercial version and a free, open-source version that can be accessed from the website. The solution provides several log analyses, additional features, additional features, and management capabilities focused on a broad subset of use-cases: including security, dev-ops, and general IT administration.

Key Features

  • Open-source with premium options available: Graylog offers both a free, open-source version and premium options, providing flexibility to users based on their requirements and budget.
  • Modular content packs: The software employs modular content packs that shape the capabilities of the analysis environment, facilitating faster interpretation of data.
  • Customizable dashboard: Users can customize the dashboard with simple widgets to create custom reports, dashboards, and monitors, enhancing visibility and analysis capabilities.
  • A broad subset of use-cases: Graylog caters to a broad subset of use cases, including security, dev-ops, and general IT administration, making it suitable for various purposes.
  • Fast data querying and filtering: The platform offers fast data querying and filtering capabilities, enabling efficient analysis and management of log data.

Why do we recommend it?

Graylog comes highly recommended for organizations seeking a versatile log analysis and management solution. Our recommendation is based on its availability as both a free, open-source version and a commercial version, offering flexibility to users based on their requirements and budget. The software's broad subset of use cases, modular content packs, and customizable dashboard make it suitable for various purposes, including security, dev-ops, and general IT administration. We've found Graylog to be particularly beneficial for organizations needing to analyze and manage log data across multiple functions effectively.

With the software being built on open-source foundations, handling various purposes is one of the software’s strong suits. It is perfect when you need to analyze and manage log data for many functions rather than specializing in one use case. In addition, the system employs modular content packs that can shape the capabilities of your analysis environment, which might add functions like AD auditing or response automation.

Who is it recommended for?

Graylog is ideally recommended for organizations of all sizes seeking a comprehensive log analysis and management solution. Its open-source nature makes it accessible to users with varying budgets, while the premium options cater to those requiring additional features and support. The software's versatility and modular content packs make it suitable for a broad range of use cases, making it perfect for organizations needing to handle log data for multiple purposes. Whether you're focusing on security, dev-ops, or general IT administration, Graylog offers the flexibility and functionality to meet your organization's needs effectively.


  • Built to un-silo and ingest large amounts of data: Graylog is designed to handle and ingest large amounts of data, making it suitable for organizations with extensive log data requirements.
  • Simple widgets for customization: Users can leverage simple widgets to create custom reports, dashboards, and monitors, enhancing visualization and analysis capabilities.
  • Content Packs: Graylog offers Content Packs as add-ons to help interpret data faster, providing additional features and capabilities.
  • User-powered community marketplace: Additional features can be found on the user-powered community marketplace, expanding integration possibilities and functionality.


  • Open-source version limitations: The open-source version may not be the best option for large enterprises requiring extensive support and additional features available in the premium options.

Graylog is only available for Linux but can support many log sources, especially with the open-source support that expands on the development and integration possibilities.

The open-source solution is free, but the premium versions can be purchased directly from Graylog, but you’ll need to contact them directly for a personalized quote on pricing. Both the Enterprise and Illuminate options expand on the basic capabilities of the software and massively increase the available functions of the software while keeping the open-source foundations.

9. Logz.io


Logz.io is a commercial solution built on the foundations of several open-source monitoring tools that have been combined and integrated into a single, centralized solution. The software, therefore, has the best of an open-source solution, with substantial support and flexibility, additional features combined with the professional robustness of a premium product.

Key Features

  • Open-source foundations: Logz.io is built on the foundations of several open-source monitoring tools, providing substantial support and flexibility alongside premium features.
  • Central data monitoring: The software offers central data monitoring capabilities, allowing organizations to monitor and analyze log data from a centralized location.
  • Automatic error detection: Logz.io automatically detects errors, facilitating prompt resolution and mitigation of issues.
  • Anomaly alerting: The platform provides anomaly alerting features, enabling organizations to identify and respond to abnormal behavior in log data.
  • Data cross-referencing: Logz.io offers data cross-referencing utilities, making security and performance metrics easily accessible.

Why do we recommend it?

Logz.io is highly recommended for organizations seeking a commercial solution that combines the benefits of open-source monitoring tools with the robustness of a premium product. Our recommendation stems from its foundation on open-source monitoring tools, providing substantial support and flexibility alongside additional features characteristic of premium products. The software offers central data monitoring, automatic error detection, anomaly alerting, and data cross-referencing, making it suitable for organizations prioritizing comprehensive log management and analysis. While Logz.io may require a decent understanding of technical fundamentals, its features and capabilities make it indispensable for organizations with engineer-level skillsets.

The software has excellent search and filtering tools, with pre-built dashboards for monitoring. In addition, pattern detection and automatic cross-referencing utilities mean that security and performance metrics are easily accessible. However, this solution relies upon having a decent understanding of technical fundamentals and is built with an engineer-level skillset expected.

Who is it recommended for?

Logz.io is ideally recommended for organizations with engineer-level skillsets seeking a centralized log management and analysis solution. Its combination of open-source foundations and premium features makes it suitable for organizations prioritizing flexibility, support, and additional features. The software's cloud-based operation allows for flexible and predictable growth, making it ideal for organizations looking to scale their monitoring capabilities. Whether you're focused on security, performance metrics, or general log management, Logz.io offers the functionality and flexibility to meet your organization's needs effectively.


  • Cloud-based operation: Logz.io operates in the cloud, allowing for flexible and predictable growth for monitoring capabilities.
  • Threat intelligence integration: The platform leverages threat intelligence data from both public and private sources, enhancing security monitoring capabilities.
  • Flexible alerting integrations: Logz.io offers flexible alerting integrations, enabling organizations to easily alert team members or forward issues to ticketing solutions.


  • Limited documentation: Logz.io may benefit from additional documentation and knowledge base articles for integrations, ensuring users have sufficient guidance and support for leveraging its features effectively.

Logz.io has a free Community version that has up to 1-day log retention and can index up to 1GB of log data. The Pro version is flexibly priced based on the desired log retention length, with the cheapest being $0.98 per GB of indexed data. There is also a free trial of the Pro version available on the website.

Finally, an Enterprise solution expands on the security functions and overall capacity of the software, but you’ll need to contact them directly for a personalized quote.

10. XpoLog


XpoLog comes as part of the XPLG products suite and is a very robust log analysis tool with powerful automation and detection tools, perfect for quick real-time fault and anomaly detection. The software also includes an advanced search engine that can intelligently filter your log data for rapid troubleshooting.

Key Features

  • Automatic data parsing: XpoLog automatically parses log data, simplifying the analysis process and facilitating rapid troubleshooting.
  • Anomaly detection and alerting: The software includes anomaly detection and alerting features, enabling organizations to quickly detect and respond to abnormal behavior.
  • Intelligent filtering with function-based searching: XpoLog offers intelligent filtering with function-based searching, allowing users to efficiently search and filter log data for relevant information.
  • Data visualization and dashboards: Users can visualize log data and create dashboards for monitoring and analysis purposes, enhancing visibility and insights into log data.
  • Broad data-source integration: XpoLog supports integration with a wide range of data sources, ensuring compatibility and flexibility in log analysis.

Why do we recommend it?

XpoLog is highly recommended for organizations seeking a robust log analysis tool with powerful automation and detection capabilities. Our recommendation is based on its ability to provide quick real-time fault and anomaly detection, making it suitable for environments requiring rapid troubleshooting. The software's automatic data parsing, anomaly detection, intelligent filtering, and data visualization features contribute to its effectiveness in log analysis. We've found XpoLog to be particularly beneficial for organizations needing to quickly detect faults and anomalies in live, large-scale environments, based on our own experiences.

This solution is best if you need to use log parsing and analysis specifically for quick fault detection in a live, large-scale environment. It can be integrated quickly with various custom data sources and boasts fast deployment and installation.

Who is it recommended for?

XpoLog is ideally recommended for organizations prioritizing quick fault detection and analysis in live, large-scale environments. Its powerful automation and detection tools, along with intelligent filtering capabilities, make it suitable for organizations requiring rapid troubleshooting and anomaly detection. The software's broad data-source integration ensures compatibility with various custom data sources, facilitating fast deployment and installation. Whether you're focused on performance issues, security risks, or anomalous behavior detection, XpoLog offers the functionality and flexibility to meet your organization's needs effectively.


  • AI-driven anomaly detection: XpoLog leverages AI to detect anomalous behavior, performance issues, and security risks, enhancing detection capabilities.
  • Unlimited data retention: The Pro version supports unlimited data retention, ensuring organizations can retain and analyze historical log data without limitations.
  • Powerful search and filtering: The software offers a powerful search and filtering capability, enabling users to efficiently sort through log data for troubleshooting and analysis purposes.


  • Limited tutorials and help resources: XpoLog could benefit from more tutorials and help resources to assist users in leveraging its features effectively.

The software can be acquired as part of the full XPLG product suite or standalone from the website directly. The licensing costs are variable based on log data, costing $83 per month for the cheapest version at 1GB of data per day. However, unlike most other solutions on this list, XpoLog offers unlimited data retention and data sources, regardless of the amount of log data you’re paying for.

They offer a Free version of the full XPLG product suite, which includes XpoLog, with a maximum of 500MB of data per day with only three days of data retention. The Introduction version also covers a full 30-day free trial. Either option might be perfect if you need to test out the application in a live environment.

Log Parsing & Analysis Tools FAQs

What types of log files can be parsed and analyzed?

Almost any type of log file can be parsed and analyzed, including application logs, system logs, network logs, and security logs. The specific log files that are parsed and analyzed will depend on the needs and goals of the organization.

How can log parsing and analysis be used for security purposes?

Log parsing and analysis can be used for security purposes by analyzing log files from security systems, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software. This can help identify security threats, such as hacking attempts and malware infections, and improve the overall security of a system or network.