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Cloud Security Posture Management Guide

Cloud Security Posture Management Guide

John Cirelly UPDATED: December 12, 2023

These days, many businesses are migrating their operations to the cloud since it is an easy approach to develop and operate apps that are scalable and adaptable. Although the cloud offers many advantages, it is not without its flaws, particularly when it comes to data security.

About 94% of the firms evaluated in Checkpoint's 2022 Cloud Security Report identified security as a moderate to a high threat to their operations, according to the report.

This survey says the following to be major dangers:

  • Misconfiguration 68% of those polled said this was the greatest danger
  • Only 58% were granted access without permission
  • Poorly designed user interfaces 52%
  • The account takeover rate is 50%

When a cyberattack occurs, data and reputation are two of the most frequently impacted metrics. That being said, how can you avoid these security issues? You'll need to use a variety of tactics and technologies to deal with a wide range of security issues.

Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) is an example of this. Find out more about how to adopt CSPM in your company in this post.

What is Cloud Security Posture Management? 

Misconfigurations and compliance issues in your cloud environment may be addressed using Cloud Security Posture Management, a security solution. In addition to identifying and notifying the user of any issues, this program automates the monitoring process.

You'll be able to mitigate these dangers if you use the information in this report. Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) may all benefit from this technology.

Cloud Security Posture Management Importance

Connectivity is provided to a wide range of users from a variety of networks so that they may access software, infrastructure, and platforms. The Cloud computing infrastructure's dynamic nature makes traditional security solutions unworkable in such a circumstance. The security of the cloud network becomes increasingly fragile and difficult.

Additional operational and managerial advantages for users are provided by cloud computing infrastructure, including support for microservices, Kubernetes, and Containerization as well as deployment of serverless functionality. Despite the fast advancement of technology, there was a dearth of cybersecurity expertise and specialists to handle cloud computing infrastructure's security concerns.

There are several reasons why conventional security procedures are unable to cope with cloud architecture, such as the lack of perimeters in traditional security solutions, such as dynamic nature, and the incorporation of new technology.

Legacy security solutions are also limited by manual security processes that lack the scalability, speed, and centralization necessary to execute at the appropriate level of scalability and speed and so make visibility harder and the achievement of security goals more challenging.

CSPM's technologies are critical in providing high-level security for cloud settings by removing any potential data breaches and vulnerabilities found in cloud architecture. The CSPM tool may reduce the risk of data breaches and vulnerabilities in Cloud Computing systems by up to 80%, hence enhancing the security of cloud-based computing platforms.

Infrastructure as a Code (IaaC) was established as a result of the integration of new technologies into Cloud Computing infrastructure, and Machine-Readable configuration files made use of these definitions and configuration parameters to automatically configure cloud infrastructure.

To deal with misconfiguration issues that leave the Cloud Computing Platform vulnerable and open to security threats, an API-based approach was used and integrated with Cloud Infrastructure. This approach helps program Cloud Infrastructure to deal with misconfiguration issues that leave Cloud Infrastructure vulnerable and open for cloud infrastructure security threats to target.

How does Cloud Security Posture Management function?

To keep an eye on cloud infrastructure for vulnerabilities caused by incorrect setup, CSPM security solutions include monitoring, identification, remediation, and continuous vulnerability detection services. Services provided by the CSPM include the following:

  • Discovery and visibility.
  • Management of configuration errors and their remediation.
  • Continuous threat detection.
  • DevSecOps integration.

Discovery and Visibility

Using a CSPM security solution, you can see what equipment and security settings are in place in your Cloud Infrastructure. A single source of truth may be accessed by users across several cloud computing environments and accounts in a cloud computing environment.

System misconfigurations, metadata, network vulnerabilities, and any changes in security operations may all be learned and analyzed by the CSPM tool. As previously indicated, the CSPM security tools allow for the deployment of security group rules across the user accounts established in regions, projects, and a single interface for the management of virtual networks and accounts in general.

Management of Configuration Errors and Their Remediation

The cloud-based apps placed in the cloud are compared to industrial and organizational standards so that vulnerabilities may be discovered and addressed in real-time.

This is where the CSPM system comes in, helping to detect and remove any security risks and weaknesses. Unauthorized IP port changes, application misconfiguration, and other security vulnerabilities that might expose Cloud Infrastructure resources to compromise can also be monitored and remedied using CSPM's guided procedure.

Developers may also refer to recommended practices for avoiding cloud infrastructure misconfiguration problems. Keeping an eye on the permissions of the cloud infrastructure storage ensures that data cannot be accessed by unauthorized third parties. Concerns with database instances include making sure that they are always available, running database backups, and enabling encryption for data security.

Continuous Threat Detection

A CSPM security system uses a threat identification and management technique to identify dangers in a multi-cloud environment and generate security alerts for notifications throughout the application development life cycle.

The vulnerabilities in cloud infrastructure apps are prioritized according to the environment, and code flaws are removed before they reach production. Because the CSPM security system concentrates on the regions most likely to be targeted by security threats, alarms are reduced. Constant monitoring of harmful actions, detection of illegal activities, and illegitimate cloud infrastructure resource access are all made possible thanks to the security mechanism in the Cloud Security Platform.

DevSecOps integration

As well as reducing costs, CSPM promotes the elimination of friction and complexity across several cloud service providers and accounts. With the CSPM system in place, its integration with DevOps tools is deemed essential for rapid mitigation and reaction in the DevOps Tools set. Centralized monitoring and inspection of the whole cloud infrastructure may be improved by using Cloud-Native technologies. There was a single source of truth for both the development and security teams. Security monitoring teams are now tasked with stopping and securing the compromised assets and halting their advancement throughout the application development lifecycle.

The CSPM security solutions must also integrate with SIEM to simplify visualization and gather insights and information related to application misconfiguration and deployment policy violations. All teams involved in the CSPM security system can comprehend each other's operations and activities via the reporting methods and dashboards provided by the CSPM system.

How Does Cloud Security Posture Management Work?

CSPM analyses the cloud and compares it to a set of best practices regularly. Also, it is continually scanning for trends that indicate a potential security breach. As new security risks and best practices emerge, the provider's catalog is regularly updated. You may also tailor its best practices to suit your organization's requirements”.

As soon as the program detects any of these flaws or concerns, it promptly sends an alert to the appropriate team or individual, depending on your arrangement. The information included inside might also aid in the speedy rectification of any issues.

These are some of the broad areas that a CSPM may detect and notify:

  • For confidential data, there is no encryption.
  • Accounts and settings that are incorrectly set up.
  • Keys that seem to be stale or worn out.
  • Not using multi-factor authentication on privileged accounts.
  • Errors in IAM policies.
  • Permissive policies for access.
  • Lack of logging.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to automatically resolve faults in certain CSPM solutions.

Should Cloud Security Posture Management be a part of your security toolset?

Because it may shed light on issues that are otherwise neglected, the Cloud Security Policy Model (CSPM) should be part of your arsenal when it comes to cloud security.

Consider the following reasons why you should include CSPM in your infrastructure:

Unknown errors

Even while most technologies can detect known flaws, it's the ones that aren't detected that are the real danger. As an example, consider who has access to your AWS S3 buckets and the data that is contained inside. What if an employee who has access to this data shares it or leaves it open by mistake with another employee? These vulnerabilities are discovered by CSPM continually evaluating your environment against the best practices that have been defined. As a result of this example, the harm will be minimized. In this way, CSPM helps catch faults that are commonly neglected but which are unexpected and unplanned.

Complete visibility

One further benefit of CSPM is that it provides you with total visibility across all of your cloud infrastructures. When you use CSPM, you don't need access to the console of each cloud provider to get the information you need; instead, you can get it all in one place. The ability to compare your system's performance and utilization rate versus those of other cloud environments is another benefit of having such a unified view.

Streamlines the process of issuing warnings. Alerts are often overlooked, particularly if inboxes are overflowing with them. Additionally, it's difficult to determine which warnings are most important when they come from several cloud settings. CSPM takes care of everything for you. Alerts are sent directly to your mailbox using this app. Individual alarms and the tiredness or neglect that can come from them are thus ruled out. CSPM may also help you prioritize the warnings depending on their potential severity, so you always know what requires your immediate attention.

Quickly finds errors in the system

Continuous scanning of your infrastructure enables CSPM to identify any misconfigurations in your cloud environment promptly. It alerts you to these mistakes before they harm your business or consumers. Likewise, it continually checks your system for any threats or vulnerabilities that may be present, allowing you to address them as soon as they are discovered.

CSPM protects your cloud environments from all angles with a single plug-and-play solution. Misconfigurations in your cloud assets are detected, alerted to, and even remedied with this software. Aside from these benefits, it also helps protect your cloud infrastructure from inadvertent access, discovers new dangers, and gives a single view of your complete cloud architecture. In your market, you can be certain that your product will always fulfill regulatory compliance criteria thanks to its extensive feature set.

To summarize, CSPM may be a crucial component of your security architecture, particularly for organizations with significant cloud exposure.

Choosing a CSPM

It's vital to your company's success that you choose the right CSPM tool. However, with so many choices accessible nowadays, it's not a simple task. For your convenience, we've compiled a list of criteria that you may use to pick the best CPSM for your needs. The following are some of the things to keep in mind while deciding on a CSPM.

  • Remediation Capabilities Having a tool with built-in automated error correction is always a plus since it takes care of many common and minor errors. As a result, you and your workers will be able to devote more time and effort to the most critical aspects of your business.
  • Custom Rules Engine If you want to be safe, you need to be able to change your security rules at will. These rules must be checked across all cloud environments without exceptions by the CSPM. Adding these rules should be straightforward and obvious, too.
  • Extensive Reporting Helpful for standard compliance and internal audits. An in-depth look into your cloud environments is provided by these reports.
  • Sensible Alerting The CSPM you use must be judicious and smart in its notifications to prevent tiredness warnings for your staff. This implies that only the most critical and sensitive problems should trigger an alert in the tool.

You must stick to your budget and the tool you use must be well within the budget you have set. Consider your security architecture and your budget before deciding on whether or not to use a CSPM.


If you wish to prevent the repercussions of misconfigurations in your cloud infrastructure, a CSPM might be the much-needed security layer. In addition, it can assure compliance with a variety of industry requirements, including HIPAA and Data Loss Prevention (DLP).

However, picking a CSPM may not be simple, and we hope the aforementioned factors help you make this decision.