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How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity

How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity

John Cirelly UPDATED: January 8, 2024

The internet is a utility that we undoubtedly can't live without. But there will be times when devices, applications, and even entire networks will fail to reach our worldwide web.

Networking problems are a common occurrence in the business world. They can be caused by any number of things such as a technician installing a new device, user error, a virus, or malicious software.

It is important to recognize them before they cause any damage to your company and to prevent them in the future.

This article will discuss the most common and easiest-to-fix network issues to help you get your network up and running again as quickly as possible.

Common network issues

Network connectivity issues are one of the most common reasons for disruptions in the network. Several issues can cause problems in the network, such as a slow or inaccessible website, or a website that is not appearing in search results.

There are many causes of a slow website, so this guide will focus on the most common issues. This article will help you to identify some of the common mistakes that can lead to network connectivity problems, and how to fix them.

Common Network Connectivity Issues

The following are some of the most common network connectivity issues.

How to fix these problems?

In this section, we will be discussing network connectivity issues and their solutions. The issue can arise due to several reasons from simple ones like a bad internet connection to the more complex ones.

We have listed down two most common network connectivity issues and their possible solutions below.

  • No Internet Connection It may look stupid at first but you may not know that your internet connection is powered off. Often, we are busy too much in our work that we don’t have any idea what is going on around us. If you are not getting any internet connection, you should check your device’s settings or restart it. If that doesn't work, then your wireless adapter might need to be reinstalled on your system. You can also try connecting through another Wi-Fi network for better results.
  •  Slow Internet Connection If you are experiencing any slowness or buffering while browsing or streaming anything on the internet, you are likely using the internet with low speed. So, necessarily you will have to look for it and improve the speed to get a better result.

The Importance of Network Connectivity Monitoring and Testing

We all know that a strong, fast connection is crucial for today’s digital lifestyles, but we often take connectivity for granted until it suddenly becomes compromised.

Then it’s too late to repair the damage and catch up on all of the photos and videos we’ve been unable to finish uploading. This is why it’s so important to have a plan in place for network connectivity monitoring and testing.

Not only will this keep you from falling further behind, but it can also give you a heads up if your network is on the verge of failure so you can take preventative measures.

The ability to communicate over a network is one of the most critical requirements of any business.

Network connectivity is the mechanism by which data flows from one system to another, and without a functional network, you’re unable to perform any meaningful work.

Fortunately, network connectivity isn’t something that needs to be monitored or repaired very often. Most network connectivity errors are obvious and easy to diagnose, which is why it’s so important to perform regular checks on your network connections.

It can be a major frustration for users, especially when the network is down. However, when network connectivity issues go undetected and unreported, they can quickly become a major problem.

As users continue to rely more on the internet for tasks that were once performed locally, serious issues can arise when the network is not performing as expected.

To ensure those network problems are identified as quickly as possible, it is important to regularly monitor and test the connectivity of your networks.

Common Network Connectivity Issues

Network Performance Issues

Network performance can become degraded when there are too many devices on a network trying to access the internet at the same time.

This can happen for several reasons, such as your router being overburdened with network traffic or a software issue on your computer or mobile device.

If you think your network is performing poorly, try to detach the problem to your device or software and then try to resolve that.

No internet connection

When you are not connected to the internet, you won't be able to access some of the resources you have used in the past.

There are some things you can do to get the most out of your Chromebook. The first thing to check is that you are connected to the internet. You can check this in the network settings in the menu.

Bandwidth and traffic issues

It seems like every day; we hear about another company that’s experiencing bandwidth or traffic issues. It can be resolved by upgrading your internet plan or finding a new service provider.

If your internet provider is unable to resolve your issue, contact them and provide them with details about your service, including which devices are connecting to the internet and what services you’re using.

They’ll be able to provide further assistance or point you in the direction of a better internet service provider.

Signal strength problems

Sometimes you can’t get a signal at all, but more often you have a signal but it’s too weak to use. Signal strength problems are among the most common network issues, affecting both traditional cellular service and newer cellular internet service.

They can range from dropping calls. You have no signal to slow internet because your signal is too weak to be usable. They can also cause text messages to fail to send or be delivered hours or even days later.

Configuration Issues

When it comes to network issues, the cause is often due to a configuration issue. This can include incorrect subnets, incorrect IP address configuration, or even configuration of the wrong equipment.

For example, if you’re using a router instead of a switch to connect your computers, this will cause network issues.

Devices connected wirelessly cannot access your Wi-Fi signal

Your wireless devices are unable to access your Wi-Fi signal when they're connected to other networks, such as those in coffee shops or airports.

This is often caused by a problem with your Wi-Fi signal. When your devices are unable to access the Wi-Fi signal, they will automatically connect to other available networks. This means that your devices are no longer accessible when they're connected to another network.

Basic Steps to Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Issues

The following steps provided in the section only provide a general overview of troubleshooting issues with network connections. For more specific information, it is best to refer to your network administrator for help.

It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all fix for these connectivity issues. The steps outlined below can help you narrow down the problem and get on the right track to solving it.

Following are the most basic steps that need to be taken during network connectivity troubleshooting

  1. Identify the symptoms When troubleshooting network connectivity issues, it is important to first identify where the issue resides. For it, you have to look for the symptoms that what issue is coming on the internet. Each problem has its solution so you can get an idea that what problem you are facing. Also, there is the possibility that you may have resolved the issue before so it can be easy for you to come over the problem.
  2. Determine the scope of the issue Check if the issue is with the connection by checking for a signal on a phone. It can let you determine which device is making a problem.
  3. Check for changes in the network Check that there is a physical connection between the device and the router. After that look for the change that has led you to troubleshoot. It can be worth it if you find the changes as they can get you to the central point and resolve the network issue.
  4. Establish the most likely cause of the problem Check for any connections via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and ensure they are enabled. Once you find the issue, know to try to cover it. go for the issue that is most likely making a problem.
  5. Deploy a solution and test it Reboot all other devices which might involve using another power outlet or another Wi-Fi network. This is the best solution that is always preferred for reducing the network connectivity issue.
  6. Document the problem and solution Update all software such as antivirus programs, operating systems, etc. But one thing to remember is that you should note down the solution of problems. It can help you in the future if you face the same problem once again.

The Best Network Connectivity Tools for Easier Troubleshooting

When your computer or network isn't working the way, it should, there are a few tools you can use to troubleshoot the problem and find the source of the issue.

One of the most useful of these is network diagnostics, which can be used to identify potential problems with your network settings, such as your network card, cables, and router. This lets you narrow down the source of the problem and fix the issue quickly and easily.

Here, we will provide a list of the best tools that can be handy for this purpose and assist you in troubleshooting.

1. SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor – FREE TRIAL

Network Performance Monitor by SolarWinds is one of the best monitoring tools that can detect network issues instantly in the system and provide you with the best solution for it. This tool offers a simple infrastructure by which users can instantly troubleshoot and overcome the network connectivity issue. Get a fully functional 30-day free trial.

2. SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer – FREE TRIAL

If you are having a bandwidth issue, the SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer is the best choice for you. It collects all the data that the users are using and presents that information in a simple chart that everyone can understand. Get a fully functional 30-day free trial.

It not only provides the data usage information but also allows you to see the total number of users and their devices. This helps to figure out which device is taking more bandwidth.

3. SolarWinds IP Address Manager – FREE TRIAL

To manage the IP address easily, users can go for SolarWinds IP Address Manager. It provides you with a simple interface that can be handy in tracking the Microsoft DNS. You can also automate some of the administration tasks. Get a fully functional 30-day free trial.

4. Site24x7 – FREE TRIAL

In the realm of network connectivity tools, Site24x7 stands out as a comprehensive solution for easier troubleshooting. When it comes to maintaining robust network infrastructure, having a tool that not only monitors network performance but also helps in diagnosing and resolving issues swiftly is crucial. Site24x7 excels in this area, offering a wide range of features tailored to meet the needs of IT administrators and network engineers. Its ability to seamlessly integrate with a variety of environments makes it a versatile choice for businesses looking to streamline their network monitoring and troubleshooting processes. Start a 30-day free trial.

Final lines

Network issues are a common occurrence for anyone who has an internet business. These issues can take many forms such as slow loading times, virus attacks, and so on. If you're experiencing issues with your network connection, the first step is to check the status of your modem and restart or reboot it.

If this doesn't resolve the issue, try unplugging any devices that aren't directly connected to your modem. Then plug them back in one by one to see if there's a device causing the problem. You can find more information on troubleshooting network connectivity issues on our website today!