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The Top 3 Networking Technologies

Today’s Top 3 Networking Technologies

Scott Pickard UPDATED: July 6, 2024

As businesses increasingly adopt cloud-native architectures, microservices-based applications, and distributed infrastructures, they face new challenges in ensuring seamless connectivity, enhancing application performance, and safeguarding sensitive data from cyber threats. In response to these challenges, three groundbreaking technologies have emerged as critical enablers in the realm of modern IT infrastructures: Multi-Cloud Networking Software, Cilium, and Data Security Posture Management (DSPM).

This article explores these cutting-edge technologies and delves into the benefits they bring to the table, along with an in-depth understanding of how they work. Each technology plays a pivotal role in addressing specific aspects of networking and data security, empowering organizations to navigate the expanding technological complexities of today and beyond.

  • Multi-Cloud Networking Software stands as a transformative solution that addresses the intricacies of managing diverse cloud environments seamlessly. By creating a unified network fabric across multi-cloud ecosystems, it enables organizations to achieve seamless connectivity, optimal resource utilization, and consistent security policies. The article will explore how this technology abstracts complexities and empowers businesses to harness the full potential of cloud computing for innovation and growth.
  • Cilium takes center stage in the realm of microservices-based applications, redefining networking and security paradigms. Leveraging eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) and seamless Kubernetes integration, Cilium offers efficient networking, context-aware security policies, and layer 7 visibility. The article will delve into how Cilium enhances the performance, resilience, and security of modern applications, becoming a cornerstone for organizations embracing cloud-native architectures.
  • Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) emerges as a critical ally in safeguarding sensitive data and mitigating cybersecurity risks. The article will explore how DSPM continuously monitors, evaluates, and manages an organization's data security practices, providing actionable insights for proactive risk mitigation and regulatory compliance. With real-time threat detection and comprehensive reporting, DSPM strengthens an organization's data security defenses in today's dynamic landscape.

Throughout the article, we will delve into the benefits of each technology, exploring its role in enhancing networking capabilities, securing microservices-based applications, and fortifying data protection. By understanding how Multi-Cloud Networking Software, Cilium, and Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) work, organizations can equip themselves to thrive amidst modern challenges, fostering innovation and resilience in an ever-changing technology landscape.

Multi-Cloud Networking Software

Multi-Cloud Networking Software is a game-changing solution that addresses the complexities and issues that come with implementing multi-cloud setups in modern IT infrastructures. Organizations that embrace the cloud for its scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness frequently find themselves managing many cloud systems at the same time. This changing ecosystem brings several challenges, including vendor lock-in, interoperability concerns, and uneven network policies, making seamless connectivity and efficient data flow between clouds a considerable task.

How it Works

Multi-Cloud Networking Software functions as an all-encompassing and intelligent layer that sits on top of numerous cloud platforms and on-premises data centers. Its primary goal is to abstract the underlying complexities of numerous cloud environments and enable enterprises to pursue multi-cloud strategies with a unified and seamless network experience.

At the core of Multi-Cloud Networking Software lies a unified network fabric that interconnects all the disparate cloud instances and data centers within an organization's multi-cloud ecosystem. This fabric acts as a virtualized overlay network, abstracting the physical network infrastructure and enabling logical communication between different cloud environments. It achieves this through the creation of Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) that span across cloud providers, essentially forming a private, secure network that spans the entire multi-cloud infrastructure.

The software uses Software-Defined Networking principles to centralize and automate network configuration and management. SDN separates the control and data planes, allowing administrators to create and enforce network policies and configurations via a centralized controller. This controller serves as a single point of management for all cloud resources, allowing administrators to easily and efficiently set up and administer network services.

Virtual Routing and Forwarding is used by Multi-Cloud Networking Software to maintain isolation and routing separation between different tenants or applications within the multi-cloud system. Each VRF serves as its own routing table, ensuring that data packets from one tenant do not interfere with those from another, even if they are hosted by the same cloud provider. It focuses on security by deploying strong encryption techniques to safeguard data in transit. To construct secure tunnels between cloud instances and data centers, it uses industry-standard encryption protocols such as IPsec (Internet Protocol Security). This ensures that data stays private and secure while traveling across cloud environments, preventing illegal access or interception.

Benefits of Multi-Cloud Networking Software

Multi-Cloud Networking Software provides numerous benefits that improve the productivity, security, and scalability of enterprises' multi-cloud infrastructures. As more firms implement multi-cloud strategies to fulfill their unique needs, this technology proves to be a significant enabler in overcoming the hurdles of managing different cloud providers.

  • Seamless Connectivity and Interoperability One of the primary benefits of Multi-Cloud Networking Software is its ability to provide seamless connectivity and interoperability between different cloud environments. By creating Virtual Private Clouds that span across cloud providers, the software allows organizations to establish a cohesive and unified network fabric. This ensures that data and applications can communicate effortlessly between clouds, eliminating the need for complex and rigid network configurations.
  • Vendor Agnosticism and Flexibility Multi-Cloud Networking Software liberates organizations from vendor lock-in by enabling them to leverage resources from multiple cloud providers without being tied to a single vendor. This vendor agnosticism grants businesses the freedom to select the best cloud services and pricing models based on their specific needs. Additionally, it facilitates workload portability, making it easier to move applications and data between different clouds as requirements evolve.
  • Enhanced Application Performance With intelligent load balancing and traffic optimization capabilities, the software enhances application performance by directing data traffic along the most efficient paths. This minimizes latency and ensures consistent, low-latency access to applications, irrespective of their location within the multi-cloud environment. The result is an improved user experience and higher customer satisfaction.
  • Improved Security and Compliance Multi-Cloud Networking Software enforces uniform security policies across all cloud instances and data centers, ensuring consistent data protection and access control. By centralizing security management, organizations can implement standardized security measures and easily audit their compliance adherence. Encryption mechanisms employed by the software safeguard sensitive data during transit, mitigating the risk of data breaches.


Cilium emerges as a cutting-edge networking technology that revolutionizes the way modern microservices-based applications communicate and secure themselves within today's dynamic landscape. As organizations increasingly adopt cloud-native architectures and containerization technologies to achieve scalability and agility, they face new challenges in ensuring the security and performance of their applications across complex and distributed environments.

Cilium addresses these challenges by redefining the concept of networking and security for microservices. It stands as a robust, open-source project that combines the power of eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) and is transparently integrated with container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. By leveraging the capabilities of eBPF, Cilium operates at the Linux kernel level, allowing it to efficiently intercept, monitor, and secure network communications between microservices with minimal performance overhead.

How it Works

As mentioned, Cilium is based on eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter), a strong technology that enables configurable and efficient packet filtering and processing within the Linux kernel. Cilium achieves high-performance networking and security features while minimizing overhead by employing eBPF. The eBPF data plane, which functions within the Linux kernel, lies at the heart of Cilium's functioning. Cilium can use eBPF to connect BPF applications to various networking stack hooks in the kernel, such as packet receiving, forwarding, and transmission. Cilium may monitor and handle network packets as they travel the kernel using these BPF programs, making real-time decisions based on defined security policies.

Cilium is designed to seamlessly integrate with Kubernetes, one of the most popular container orchestration platforms. It leverages Kubernetes' network policy API to enforce fine-grained network access control between pods (microservices) within the cluster. Cilium extends Kubernetes' network policy capabilities by providing support for layer 7 (application layer) visibility, enabling security policies based on application-specific attributes. The technology uses dynamic service recognition to comprehend microservice communication patterns. It automatically discovers and maintains an up-to-date service map, which includes information about the cluster's services, endpoints, and ports. Cilium may now apply security restrictions based on the identification of the services rather than just on IP addresses.

Cilium includes built-in load balancing and service discovery features. It functions as an intelligent load balancer, dividing incoming traffic among several service copies to ensure high availability and effective resource utilization. The service discovery method in Cilium allows microservices to discover and communicate with one another using DNS-based service names, abstracting the actual network specifics.

Benefits of Cilium

Cilium offers a wide range of benefits that make it a compelling choice for organizations seeking to enhance the networking and security of their microservices-based applications. As the landscape of modern application infrastructures evolves in today's world, Cilium stands out as a powerful and versatile solution.

  • Efficient Networking Performance By utilizing the eBPF technology within the Linux kernel, Cilium achieves efficient and high-performance networking. Its ability to intercept and process packets at the kernel level ensures minimal latency and overhead, making it ideal for demanding and latency-sensitive microservices applications.
  • Seamless Kubernetes Integration Cilium's native integration with Kubernetes streamlines its adoption within Kubernetes-based clusters. Leveraging Kubernetes' network policy API, Cilium seamlessly enforces security policies within the cluster, simplifying network access control and reducing administrative overhead.
  • Layer 7 Visibility and Context-Aware Security Cilium's support for layer 7 visibility enables context-aware security policies based on application-level attributes. This granularity allows organizations to define security rules that align with the specific requirements of individual microservices, ensuring a comprehensive and adaptable security posture.
  • Dynamic Service Recognition Cilium's dynamic service recognition eliminates the need for manual IP-based configurations. It automatically detects and maintains an up-to-date service map, enabling microservices to communicate with each other based on service identities, simplifying network management, and fostering agility.

Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)

DSPM can be described as a comprehensive and proactive approach to monitoring, assessing, and managing an organization's data security posture. It focuses on evaluating the security controls, policies, and practices in place to safeguard data assets across the entire IT infrastructure, including on-premises systems, cloud environments, and hybrid setups. By providing a holistic view of data security, DSPM enables organizations to identify vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and potential weaknesses in their data security defenses.

The technology leverages advanced security analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms to continuously scan, analyze, and evaluate data security practices in real time. It empowers security teams with actionable insights, highlighting areas that require immediate attention or improvement. With DSPM, organizations can implement proactive measures to enhance data protection, ensure compliance with industry regulations, and bolster their resilience against evolving cyber threats.

How it Works

DSPM begins by conducting an exhaustive data discovery process, identifying and classifying sensitive data across the organization's entire IT infrastructure. This includes data residing on-premises, in the cloud, and hybrid environments. The technology creates a comprehensive data inventory, detailing the locations, formats, and access permissions of sensitive information. Using AI-driven algorithms and automated security assessment, DSPM continuously scans and analyzes the organization's data security controls and practices. It evaluates security configurations, access controls, encryption protocols, and other relevant security parameters to assess the overall security posture.

DSPM actively identifies vulnerabilities and misconfigurations that could potentially lead to data breaches or unauthorized access. It compares the current state of data security against industry best practices, regulatory requirements, and internal security policies. The technology flags deviations and areas of concern, alerting security teams to take necessary remediation actions. DSPM provides real-time monitoring of data access and activities, allowing security teams to detect anomalous behavior and potential threats promptly. It continuously analyzes data access patterns and user behaviors, helping to identify suspicious activities that may indicate data breaches or insider threats.

DSPM ensures compliance with data protection regulations and internal security policies. It enforces access controls, encryption requirements, and data handling practices to maintain compliance with industry standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS. Non-compliance issues are promptly highlighted for corrective actions. The technology generates comprehensive reports and provides actionable insights to security teams and stakeholders. These insights allow organizations to prioritize security improvements, allocate resources efficiently, and demonstrate compliance to auditors and regulators.

Benefits of DSPM

Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) brings several features to the table that enhance an organization's ability to protect sensitive data, detect potential risks, and maintain compliance with data protection regulations.

  • Comprehensive Data Protection DSPM provides a comprehensive approach to data protection, ensuring that sensitive information is adequately identified, classified, and secured across the entire IT infrastructure. By maintaining a detailed data inventory, organizations can gain visibility into the locations and access permissions of critical data, reducing the risk of data exposure.
  • Proactive Risk Mitigation The continuous monitoring and real-time analysis capabilities of DSPM enable proactive risk mitigation. By identifying vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and potential threats in real-time, organizations can take prompt remediation actions to prevent data breaches and cyber-attacks before they escalate.
  • Regulatory Compliance Assurance DSPM assists organizations in maintaining compliance with data protection regulations and industry standards. The technology enforces access controls, encryption protocols, and data handling practices in alignment with regulatory requirements, ensuring adherence to standards like GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS.
  • Reduced Data Breach Impact With its ability to detect and respond to security incidents promptly, DSPM helps minimize the impact of data breaches. Early detection allows organizations to contain breaches, prevent data exfiltration, and preserve the confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • Actionable Insights and Reporting DSPM provides actionable insights and comprehensive reporting to security teams and stakeholders. These insights empower organizations to prioritize security improvements, allocate resources efficiently, and demonstrate compliance to auditors and regulators.


In today's ever-evolving landscape, the realm of networking and data security witnesses remarkable transformations driven by innovative technologies. Three products, Multi-Cloud Networking Software, Cilium, and Data Security Posture Management (DSPM), have emerged as crucial pillars in empowering organizations to navigate the complexities of modern IT infrastructures while fortifying their data security defenses.

Multi-Cloud Networking Software solves the issues of effectively managing many cloud environments. It enables enterprises to achieve seamless connectivity, optimal resource usage, and uniform security policies by establishing a unified network fabric across multi-cloud ecosystems. Multi-Cloud Networking Software, with its ability to abstract complexities and encourage vendor agnosticism, enables businesses to realize the full potential of cloud computing for innovation and growth.

By reinventing networking and security paradigms, Cilium takes center stage in the world of microservices-based apps. Cilium provides efficient networking, context-aware security controls, and layer 7 visibility by leveraging eBPF and Kubernetes integration. This technique improves microservices' performance, resilience, and security, resulting in a strong and dynamic architecture for modern applications.

Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) is a vital tool for businesses looking to protect their sensitive data assets. DSPM enables enterprises to proactively manage risks, strengthen data protection, and demonstrate regulatory compliance through continuous monitoring, real-time threat detection, and compliance assurance. DSPM becomes a cornerstone in securing important data and retaining consumer confidence by delivering actionable information and enabling proactive risk mitigation.

As organizations continue to embrace digital transformation and cloud-native architectures, these technologies serve as indispensable assets in ensuring seamless connectivity, data protection, and proactive cybersecurity measures. By embracing Multi-Cloud Networking Software, Cilium, and Data Security Posture Management (DSPM), organizations equip themselves to thrive in the face of modern challenges, fostering innovation, and fortifying their data security defenses in today's world and beyond.